Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Lately Claire has been making us smile and laugh at her cute little self.
Here are some things that she has been doing/Saying:

Some of my Favorites:
Phone- "Goan"
Binky- "Ginky"
Banana- "Nana"
Popie (Grandpa Taylor)- "Bopie"
Green- "keen"
Birdy- "D"
Apple- "Apble"
There is is- "heee hhaaaa"
Baby- "Bebe" (She is obsessed with anything to do with babies)
After her nap i ask her if she is a happy girl- and she says, "Happy, Happy, Happy"
She calls me- Mamma and her Daddy "daaaEEE"
I made a sharp turn in our car and I hear behind me- "Woa-a-woa-a wooooo!"
Sticks her little lips out to say, "Shhhhhh." And puts her finger to your lips.
She is obsessed with Dora and Boots- "Da-Boots"
*I call her my Grabby-Gabby because, there are these little hands that are continuously searching for anything to grab along the counter-top.
*She loves to help sweep, dust, and do the laundry. lol (Lets see how long that lasts)

**We like to watch that show Psych and jump out of our seats to dance to the song on the credits everytime!
       *Her current dance moves consists of running, repeated squatting, and twirling in circles.

*She has learned to do summer saults (with my help)
* She loves to show off her muscles by clinching her fists in the air and going "Grrrr"
*She has a pretty smile and a Frowny face.
****Claire knows her alphabets- ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPSTUVYZ
We are still working on these- JQRWX


  1. I love my little neice!! She is so adorable! She was so cute when I watched her at my house a month ago... she wanted to sit in my lap and have me reach for all the toys! She just giggled and babbled the whole time.

    She's DARLING!! :)

  2. She is so cute! Wish we could actually see her. Its been WAY too long. Hope you guys are doing well!
